
In-Person Worship

Annex at Fleming Road United Church of Christ

691 Fleming Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45231.

10:00 AM EST

livestream Worship

10:00 AM & 12:00 PM EST

7:00 PM EST


The Warehouse Church in Springfield Township/Finneytown, is about transformation – the thorough and dramatic change that we engage when we have an encounter with Jesus Christ, the teachings of God’s Word, and a loving community. We are a diverse church and we welcome all people. 

We welcome you and your family to watch a livestream service, join an online bible study or attend an in-person church service! 


Every Week | 7:00 PM EST

Join us weekly on Wednesdays for Bible Study! We will broadcast the livestream on our Facebook page, YouTube channel, and

Worship at The Warehouse is not just for the leaders, band, singers or artists. People of all ages, from every tribe, language, and nation can come to freely worship before the Lord’s throne.

We as a church and as individuals support local, urban, and foreign missions and missionaries on their quest to see people saved, delivered, resourced, empowered and set free.

We are always exploring ways to connect and engage with our community. Our members are being equipped and deployed to represent Christ and share their faith in their own contexts and spheres of influence.

Fellowship is based in a personal, loving relationship with God that then extends to other people. This result in unique individual interactions that God uses to change lives. 

The Warehouse Church is a multi-ethnic, inter-generational, and multi-class community worshipping together in the heart of the Springfield Township/Finneytown neighborhood.

Come join a faith-filled family of Christ-followers. There are so many ways to get involved with The Warehouse Church.  We love Cincinnati, and we want our neighbors to experience the love of Jesus! We are a vibrant local church just like our neighborhood. 

Come to a service or online event and meet new people.  We want to help you learn more about God’s wonderful plan for your life!

We believe that the raw material of our lives can be transformed in God’s warehouse by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, and being part of a loving community. We want to see more lives transformed. We invite you to worship with us.



  • Sunday Worship 10:00am
  • Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm
  • Fellowship Groups
  • Evangelism & Outreach Opportunities
  • Community Engagement & Advocacy
  • Children’s & Youth Ministry
  • Minister’s Training

It’s easy to get in touch with us and we’d love to hear from you!  Please reach out if you have any questions about The Warehouse experience!

Stay up to date with our latest news.


We Are The Warehouse Church in Springfield Township/Finneytown. Come Join The Family.

691 Fleming Rd.
Cincinnati OH 45231
(Phone) 513-496-1444
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We offer live worship on Sundays at 10:00am & 12:00pm (Facebook only) and Bible Study on Wednesdays at 7:00pm.

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