Throughout Scripture, artists are used to display the glory of God. King David and Asaph were poets, instrumentalists, and singer song-writers. When David  & Solomon prepared for the construction of the Temple, they assigned skillful craftspeople, artists, singers, and leaders to do the work (1 Chronicles 22:15). Choirs and singers not only led people in worship, but went before the troops in battle (2 Chronicles 20:21). Psalm 150 instructs that we are to praise God with trumpets, stringed instruments, drums, cymbals, tambourines, and dance. Everything that has breath is to praise the LORD! We believe that every church should have artists who express the beauty and creativity of God’s splendor.


God inhabits and is enthroned in our praise. (Psalm 22:3) As that happens the gifts of the Spirit operate, lives are changed and the lost are drawn. When we are united, it is good, pleasant and anointed. Unity is where the Lord commands/bestows His blessing (Psalm 133:1-3). When the singers and musicians were UNIFIED making ONE SOUND (the sound of the Spirit), the GLORY (splendor, power) of the LORD filled the temple (2 Chronicles 5:12-14). 

The responsibility of Levites, the Biblical artists of the Old Testament was to minister in the presence of the LORD, to record, to praise, and to thank Him (1 Chronicles 16:4).  They were appointed to make records of God’s glorious deeds in song. Warehouse Music is charged with the same mandate in our time.



  • Sunday Worship 10:00am
  • Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm
  • Fellowship Groups
  • Evangelism & Outreach Opportunities
  • Community Engagement & Advocacy
  • Children’s & Youth Ministry

It’s easy to get in touch with us, and we’d love to hear from you!  Please reach out if you have any questions about The Warehouse Experience, volunteer opportunities, or space rental!

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1310 Race Street
Cincinnati OH 45202
(Phone) 513-979-8185
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